- How Many times Did you Look At this!
Hello Ginter fanatics. I’m Going to go out on a limb and assume most of you don't know me or what I'm about. My twitter handle is
@TheRealFrankL and I was one of three guys who won the 2011 Ginter Code this year. Ryan and Guillaume are going to be posting their own versions of this story, and my original post was going to be on my
other blog. So click over there if you like-I'll eventually repost this over there. We're hoping that this will be a good resource for fans of this code and future codes to talk about all sorts of things-not just how to solve it, but what we got wrong, thing we love and hate about it, etc. Plus, R and G have very good stories to tell too-so stay tuned!
the outset, I want to say that I'm going to tell this story as a
story. My team-mates Ryan and Guillaume plan on doing the same. That
said, the story of figuring this out is much bigger than I could tell
here, so if you are just looking for a solution-well you should be able
to skim this pretty quickly.
The only caveat I insist on is that
you understand that I didn't solve this puzzle, not on my own. This was
a three way effort, and Ryan and Guillaume deserve as much, if not
more, credit than I do. I'm happy to have done my part, and to know
that I helped. That what I did was part of the solution, but it wasn't
the whole thing.
That said. My eyes are about to come bleeding
out of my skull from this code.